
How to Make Wooden Staircases Safer

A plain wood staircase is a highly attractive addition to a home. Its clean lines and burnished tones look great. However, if you're about to install a new wooden staircase, you have to put extra thought into safety issues. Varnished wood doesn't have much, if any, grip. Your beautiful new staircase could easily turn into a safety hazard. It's easy to slip on wood treads. This is a tricky problem if you have kids at home.

Personal Safety Equipment: How to Promote Compliance on Construction Sites

Construction sites pose a lot of danger to the workers. In simple terms, accidents, injuries and illnesses occur often due to the exposure of the personnel to the harsh conditions. The hazards include the heavy equipment, dropping objects, falling from elevated platforms and even general pollution from dust, soil and construction materials. Therefore, it is important to implement essential safety measures and provide your employees with personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition, use the tips outlined below to promote compliance with PPE use.

Will Your New Office Structure Be Earthquake Resistant?

Earthquakes are a fact of life around the world, and Australia has its fair share. Indeed, there are about 100 large quakes throughout the country each year, and some, like the magnitude 6.5 that struck in 1968, have certainly left some scars. Due to the threat of these significant events, the government insists that contractors build certain structures to withstand such an onslaught. If you plan to start new construction, you need to make sure that it is certified accordingly, so what do you need to know?

How to Choose the Right Plasterboard for Your Bathroom

Bathrooms create different environmental challenges to other rooms in your home. These rooms produce more moisture, humidity and condensation. These factors can all affect the materials you use to construct the room. If you're constructing a new bathroom and need to plaster the walls, then you may be keen to use plasterboard. You know that this is a quick and effective solution. However, you may not be sure if you can use these boards in a bathroom environment.